
An R Tool for the Luria-Delbruck Fluctuation Assay

Project maintained by eeeeeric Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Technical details are given in Zheng (2017).


📣 For those who prefer the convenience of a web tool, webSalvador is a new app powered by rSalvador: ➡️ webSalvador

Installation and Usage

Follow the guide for installation instructions and a basic tutorial.

Download builds for

The rSalvador manual is also available.

The example files mentioned in the guide: example1.txt and example2.xlsx.

Installing from GitHub

For Python 3 users

Some frequently used rSalvador functions are also available in pySalvador for Python users (source, Jupyter manual).

Estimating rates of non-neutral mutations

A special type of the Luria-Delbruck distribution


Qi Zheng